
  1. Club directory
Rochdale AFC
Football Association English Football Association
Website Football Rochdale AFC
Views 1060
Club rating 0

Other football talents from Rochdale AFC
Michael Tom Afuyé  |  Calvin Andrew  |  Nathaniel Appiah  |  Eldris Lupepe Belezika  |  Nyal Aston Nathanial Bell  |  Lewis Bradley  |  Raphael Chea  |  Louis Coyne  |  Stephen Dawson  |  Toumani Diagouraga  |  Matthew Henry Done  |  Corey Edwards  |  Darren Kent Ehimamiegho  |  Declan Evans  |  Kyle James Ferguson  |  Matthew Gillam  |  Jos Gregory  |  William Hasler Cregg  |  Bastien Hery  |  Andrew Hollins  |  James Hooper  |  Harrison George Hopper  |  Bradden Inman  |  Keith Francis Keane  |  Keith Kearney  |  Neil Kemgni-Kuemo  |  Thomas Gordon Kennedy  |  James Clifford John Keohane  |  Kisimba Kisimba  |  Mark Kitching  |  George Leigh  |  Jack Lenehan  |  Craig Lynch  |  Thabiso Magida  |  Marc Manga  |  Kevin Adieu Masirika  |  Japhet George Mata  |  Donal Jeremiah McDermott  |  Harrison McGahey  |  James McNulty  |  Sam Minihan  |  Kairo Ellis Mitchell  |  Brendan Albert Moore  |  Elliott Murray  |  James Neild  |  Reuben Courtney Noble-Lazarus  |  Harry Pratt  |  Jordan Prescott  |  Kieran Price  |  Joseph Rafferty  |  Joe Renner  |  Devante Darrius Rodney  |  James Ryan  |  Callum Stephen Ryan Jones  |  Callum Schorah  |  Brandon Smalley  |  Jack Stewart  |  David Thomas Syers  |  Fabio Tavares  |  Joseph Thompson  |  Javan Noel Vidal  |  Isaac Ward  |  Louis White  |  Aidan Peter White  |  Michael Jordan Williams

The following players are on loan Rochdale AFC

The following players are sent on loan Rochdale AFC
Michael Tom Afuyé  |  Nyal Aston Nathanial Bell  |  Kevin Adieu Masirika
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